Wednesday, 1 June 2011


Sometimes stars fall from the sky
Sometimes darkness overcome the light
Sometimes the sun eclipsed the moon
Sometimes you say in love there are no rules
Sometimes I disappeared in you
Sometimes you disappeared from me
And sometimes ambition bites the nail of success
And every artist is a cannibal
That every poet is a thief
And sometimes a lover is liar
That kills you on my inspiration and sing about the grief.


  1. Hello Claire.
    Grata por visitar meu Blogspot ALETHÉIA.
    Gostei do que li aqui.
    Um abraço

  2. cool design of blog. *___* <33333 ---> my blog. <3

  3. hey! just dropping by. beautiful writing! :)

  4. Ow thanks for you visit my blog, and to like it!
    Your blog is so beautiful to.
    Do you hava any email for we talk?
    I'm speak english, not so good, but I study for the best! ok?
    Kisses. And thanks for the visit! =]

  5. ambition bites the nail of success ~ very deep.

  6. God bless you, my friend. Soon, this existence shall be over, girl, and then I'll kiss your adorable feets in Heaven. Be at peace.

  7. Awesome blog dude....!!
    ( for technical updates)

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